We have sold quality products for your bedroom many years. It started this way...
Our focus on quality and a good experience for the customer means that, after 15 years, we are still the only business partner of the major travel agencies.
Purobed started in 2009 and has since been on a successful journey with many satisfied customers and business partners.
Unique collaborations with the biggest
Right from the start, Purobed has collaborated with Ving, Spies and Tjäreborg as well as Apollo Rejser and Bravo Tours. Our unwavering focus on product quality and honest presentations – and that the customers must always be at the center – has meant that the collaboration remains and has even been expanded.
This is unique and we are the only company in our industry that has these exclusive agreements. We are proud of that, and it inspires us in our pursuit to always improve and give the customer that little something extra. When the customer leaves our showroom, he or she must feel that the visit was worth it - even if the customer didn't buy anything this time.
The concept
We sponsor many of the travel agencies' excursions so that you can buy them at a greatly reduced price. If you choose this alternative, the bus will drive past one of our showrooms, where you will be served breakfast or lunch and be introduced to our products. The lectures and presentations we give to the guests of the travel companies are simply our marketing.
Purobed is today found in Tenerife and Mallorca, where our showrooms are always well visited. Many also find us via this website. You are always welcome to contact us if you have any questions about our products or perhaps want to supplement your purchase.